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  • Agree that you are solely responsible for your own Emotional, Psychological and Physical wellbeing and through any use of program materials you will take all necessary action to support and promote your positive health and wellbeing.
  • Agree that Helen Gray – Living Well, Working Well cannot be held responsible for your health and wellbeing or any changes that may occur as a result of participation in or use of any materials presented or shared.
  • Agree that you are solely responsible for the maintenance of self and client confidentiality and agree that any information shared within the program resources or Facebook groups is yours to freely share and can be utilised and duplicated by others with no restrictions.
  • Agree that information shared through Helen Gray – Living Well, Working Well is of a general nature and cannot be deemed to be personal treatment or therapeutic intervention, rather provided for information, awareness and individual learning purposes.
  • Agree to take sole responsibility for the application of any ideas, concepts, tools and resources in your own life and work environments.
  • Agree that no information provided through Helen Gray – Living Well, Working Well claims to treat, diagnose, prescribe or cure any concerns.
  • Agree that Helen Gray – Living Well, Working Well can use any feedback, comments, materials shared and other information gained through your participation in the programs and use of materials to inform and develop the program and future materials presented by Helen Gray.
  • Agree Helen Gray – Living Well, Working Well cannot be held responsible in any way or format for the choices you make or actions you take as a result of participating in or using the materials presented through Helen Gray either online, or in person, in written or verbal format.
  • Agree to being contacted via E-mail and social media with regard to the program and future program materials and updates from Helen Gray – Living Well, Working Well.

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